🚩 Guide

15 juil. 2024

4 min read

How to Block Apps Without Deleting Them?

How to Block Apps Without Deleting Them?

Struggling with phone addiction and social media anxiety? Find out how to block apps without deleting them. Overcome FOMO and control social media usage now!

Struggling with phone addiction and social media anxiety? Find out how to block apps without deleting them. Overcome FOMO and control social media usage now!

You might feel addicted to certain apps and can't seem to break free. You've read that deleting the app might solve your problem. Well, yes and no. You don't want to be that drastic but do want to spend less time on them!

In this article, we won’t tell you to delete your apps. Besides, you’d probably end up reinstalling them. Instead, we have a better solution: temporarily blocking access to them.

Yes, in 2024, it’s possible to block apps on your phone for free. We've found the best solutions to help you finally break free from apps that are ruining your life.

Different Needs, Different Solutions

You've read countless online tutorials and testimonials claiming that a digital detox is the best solution, or that you must delete all these apps from your phone. You tried, but it didn’t work. Why?

Well, everyone is different—big surprise—and we don't all function the same way. Some need a complete cutoff, while others can manage moderate use. We often desperately seek the miracle cure, the trick that will make us feel better, but in reality, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. There are as many solutions as there are people on Earth! The hardest part is finding your solution.

Using More Consciously

One of the first things we recommend at Jomo is trying our screen time rule named "Conscious Use."

Many of us don't even realize how much we use our phones. If I told you we touch our phones around 600 to 700 times a day, could you recall each instance?

Our method is simple: Jomo blocks the most distracting and time-consuming apps by default. Whenever you need to use one, you just ask Jomo for a timed break.

The biggest advantage of this blocking rule is that it’s frustration-free. Often, we start using an app for a specific purpose: replying to a message, entertaining ourselves for five minutes, watching shared content... and end up losing an hour or two just scrolling.

With the Conscious Use method, reflexive openings are eliminated. Once your timed break ends, the app is blocked again. You can respond to messages, but Jomo shields you from the hours of mindless scrolling that typically follow!

Protégez votre vie.

Bloquer les distractions en un seul tap.

Essayezr maintenant

is locked


Protégez votre vie.

Bloquer les distractions en un seul tap.

Essayezr maintenant

is locked


Protégez votre vie.

Bloquer les distractions en un seul tap.

Essayezr maintenant

is locked


Protégez votre vie.

Bloquer les distractions en un seul tap.

Essayezr maintenant

is locked


Limiting Time Wisely

Limiting your time is important, but how much per day is ideal? This question is challenging to answer universally because it’s highly personal. Adopting someone else's time limit may not work for you, as your usage patterns are unique.

⌛️ Set an App Time Limit

Start by identifying what’s problematic about your app usage. Is it the total time spent daily? The frequency of access? Or perhaps both?

To define a daily maximum time budget, follow this simple process:

  1. Review your overall screen time, app by app.

  2. Convert each app's usage into minutes (e.g., 1 hour = 60 minutes).

  3. Subtract 10% from these minutes (e.g., 60 minutes - 10% = 54 minutes).

  4. Use this adjusted time as your daily limit for each app.

  5. Weekly, reduce your limits by an additional 10% (2nd week = 80%, 3rd week = 70%, etc.).

To set up this budget, forget Screen Time on iPhone: too easy to bypass. Instead, use an app like Jomo, available on iPhone and iPad. You can set a Rule > Conditions > + > App Time Limit. If you struggle to stick to your limits, try our Strict Mode.

👆 Set an App Opens Limit

Use the same method as above. Take your number of openings per day for a specific app (e.g., Messages - 15), multiply by 90%, and you get 13. This will be your new quota (to see how many times you use an app, use Jomo. Swipe the values from right to left until you find "Activations"). Then, go to Rules > Conditions > + > App Opens Limit. Similarly to the time limit, you can gradually reduce your daily quota.

Use the same method as above. Take your number of openings per day for a specific app (e.g., Messages - 15), multiply by 90%, and you get 13. This will be your new quota. To see how many times you use an app, use Jomo. On the "Home" tab, wwipe the values from right to left until you find "Activations." Then, go to Rules > Conditions > + > App Opens Limit. Like the time limit, you can gradually reduce your daily quota.

👋 Reduce Visual Appeal

It’s proven that colors attract our eyes. Why do you think all the most addictive apps on our phones use bright, bold colors? Even when blocked, they remain enticing, making resistance even harder.

That’s why you can hide them on your phone (without deleting them!):

🏠 Remove from the Home Screen

For a few years now, it’s been possible to remove an app just from your home screen. Simply hold your finger on the app, then tap "Remove App" > "Remove from Home Screen."

🔎 Remove from Search and Siri

Did you know you can stop apps from being recommended by Siri or appearing in search? Yes, it's possible, I assure you! Go to Settings > [App Name] (e.g., Instagram) > Siri & Search. Uncheck as many options as possible, especially "Show on Home Screen," "Suggest App," "Show in Search," "Show Content in Search," and "Learn from this App." This way, you'll have peace for a while!

If you find these options boring and too conventional, try the Jomo app. We've designed the most innovative blocking rules for iPhone and iPad. Our goal? To make you love disconnecting!

© Credits
Photography by Unsplash

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