🔌 Unplug

Mar 12, 2024

4 min read

Reducing Screen Time Is Like Running A Marathon

Reducing Screen Time Is Like Running A Marathon

Take control of your productivity and focus by reducing screen time. Overcome distractions and phone addiction with strategies akin to running a marathon.

Take control of your productivity and focus by reducing screen time. Overcome distractions and phone addiction with strategies akin to running a marathon.

Screen time, and our phones in particular, have become an integral part of our lives. That said, that's no reason to let them run our lives. Well said, but how?

The first step—apologies if this might not be appreciated by many of you, is to reduce your daily screen time. But before you dive in without any idea of how to do it, let us explain a couple of things. It won't take up your entire day —pinky promise, and will help you achieve concrete results within a week.

Ok. Ready? Great. First, think of screen time as distance. Now you've decided to take up running again. You're not going to start by running a marathon? You're going to start by running 2km, 6km, 10, 20, up to 44. The aim is to make progress, not to get discouraged. So start small, then gradually increase the difficulty. With screen time, it's exactly the same.

The Digital Dilemma

In 2023, our phones have become the gateways to information, communication, and entertainment. Whether it's for work, study, or leisure, we find ourselves in front of screens for a substantial part of our day. And we know that a huge amount of screen time will our productivity, mental health, and overall well-being.

More than ever, it has become essential to rethink our approach to screen time. Just as a runner starts with shorter distances before tackling a marathon, we should aim to manage and reduce screen time incrementally. Let’s get practical!


Just as a marathon runner doesn't begin by running 26 miles, it's unreasonable to expect an abrupt and drastic reduction in screen time. Instead, we need to start small and gradually work our way up. It's better to set an achievable target that you're almost certain to reach, and then increase the difficulty. Start with your current average screen time, for example, and reduce it in 15-minute increments each week.

You can set a screen time budget in Jomo to help you. You can simply add it from the “Home” tab, then tap on the sparkle icon and “Screen Time Budgets”.

Be S.M.A.R.T

Once you've identified areas for improvement in your screen time, it's time to create a solid battle plan. You need to recondition yourself to see changes. For that, you can set S.M.A.R.T goals (S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Relevant, and T = Time-bound). Again, using the metaphor of a runner, if their goal is to run a marathon, they need a detailed training plan to assist in their progress.

Measuring everything doesn't mean constantly counting hours, imposing constant restrictions, or depriving yourself. On the contrary, planning your daily routine leaves nothing to chance, no room for doubt. Those moments, if not planned, will undoubtedly be exploited by certain services that thrive on the "gaps" in our lives. This is when we are most vulnerable and, therefore, better consumers.

Here's how it works: My goal is to achieve [quantifiable objective] by [timeframe or deadline]. I will accomplish this goal by [steps you'll take to achieve the goal]. Achieving this goal will result in [desired outcome or benefit].

Protect your life

Block distractions in a single tap.

Try it now

is locked


Protect your life

Block distractions in a single tap.

Try it now

is locked


Protect your life.

Block distractions in a single tap.

Try it now

is locked


Protect your life

Block distractions in a single tap.

Try it now

is locked


Identify Your Priorities

Once you know how you're spending your time on screens, it's crucial to identify your priorities. What are the essential tasks that require screen time, and what can be reduced or eliminated? By determining your priorities, you can allocate more time to tasks that truly matter and block all distractions.

You can use the Screen Time Journaling feature available in Jomo. Simply press the “Home” tab. Then, tap on an app you’ve recently used. Jomo will ask you what you’ve done and how you feel about it. We recommend to do it everyday for at least 10 different apps. A new section will appear: Activities. This section allows you to see what you're actually doing on your phone in terms of activity and how it really makes you feel. From this point, you can gain a better understanding of what's amiss and why you're devoting so much time to your phone.

Bock Distracting Apps

For significant problems, substantial solutions are necessary. At times, distractions can be so overpowering that they halt our progress. Having a good app blocker on your phone to temporarily block the most distracting apps can provide a much-needed boost of motivation.

To do this, tap on the “Rules” tab of Jomo. Then, add a Session by tapping the “+” button at the bottom, or you can directly select one of our templates from the “Where do we start?” section.

As with the budget, don't go too hard at first. Think about blocking apps from time to time or setting restrictions that aren't too strict.

Just as a runner gradually increases their distance to reach their marathon goals, you can manage your screen time and enhance your productivity by taking a gradual reduction approach. Setting achievable targets will help you make the most of your screen time and help you to easily reduce your screen time.

✋ Illustrations by Jomo ; Photography Unsplash

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