🔌 Unplug
Nov 21, 2023
4 min read
Minimalism, often defined as "less but better," is a philosophy that encourages us to make do with fewer things, but better things.
While it has found its place in various aspects of our lives, it holds immense value in the realm of digital productivity. In this blog post, we will explore how embracing minimalism can significantly enhance our productivity, especially in the age of digital distractions.

The Problem With Multi-Tasking
Today, the prevailing belief is that the more activities we juggle simultaneously, the more efficient we become. Multi-tasking has become a badge of honor, a symbol of productivity. However, this is not entirely accurate. The truth is, our brains are not wired to handle multiple tasks effectively. The more our attention is divided, the harder it becomes to concentrate on any single task. In essence, multi-tasking can hinder rather than enhance productivity.
The Minimalist Approach to Productivity
Minimalism offers a refreshing alternative to the chaos of multi-tasking. It encourages us to focus on one significant task at a time, dedicating our full attention to it. Once that task is completed, we move on to the next. This approach aligns with the famous words of Steve Jobs, who said that one day "innovation is saying no to a thousand things."
5 Tips for Applying The "Less Is More" Principle to Your Digital Space
Now let's get practical. These tips are designed to help you concentrate better and maximise your productivity.
🧹 Eliminating Digital Clutter
More than ever, we are bombarded with a constant stream of notifications, emails, social media updates, and other distractions. These digital distractions can make it challenging to stay focused on important tasks. Embracing minimalism means decluttering your digital life. Here’s 3 ways to be more minimalist.
Choosing the Right Your Apps: Remove or organize apps on your devices, keeping only those that are essential for your work and well-being.
Say ‘No’ To Notifications: Unsubscribe from email lists, newsletters or even notifications that no longer serve you. This will help reduce distractions.
Stay Organized: Keep your files, photos, documents or even calendar well-organized. This makes it easier to find what you need, to plan well for the future and not to burden our minds with trivial matters.
🎯 Prioritizing Tasks
Minimalism encourages us to evaluate tasks and prioritize them based on their significance. By focusing on one task at a time, you can give your full attention to the most important work. This approach allows for a deeper level of concentration and higher quality output.
Time Blocking: Blocking time slots: Imagine making appointments with yourself. During these times, force yourself to be 100% focused, just as you would in a meeting where you have an important issue at stake. To help you, you can block these slots in your diary.
The Eisenhower Matrix: Utilize the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into four quadrants: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither. Prioritize tasks in alignment with this matrix.
🌿 Mindful Screen Time
Being mindful of how you use your screens can have a profound impact on your productivity. Instead of aimlessly scrolling through social media or falli
ng down the rabbit hole of online content, choose carefully when and why you really need to use social media.
Set Screen Time Limits: Add a time limit (App Limit) on the most distracting apps. This way, you won't risk spending hours on social media instead of working, for example.
Digital Detox: Learn to live without your phone. For many people, it has become an essential tool in our daily lives, and they can't imagine doing anything without it. It doesn’t mean that is okay! You can try setting your phone aside for one day a week, like on Sundays, for example. Various digital detox movements and individuals have chosen to devote a day to being screen-free.
Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks together to minimize context switching. For example, check and respond to emails in one dedicated session rather than sporadically throughout the day.
🌸 Creating a Minimalist Workspace
Your physical workspace has a significant impact on your digital productivity. Minimalism should extends to your work environment as well.
Declutter Your Desk: Keep only essential items on your desk, eliminating unnecessary distractions. A clean workspace promotes mental clarity.
Invest in the Right Tools: Instead of having a multitude of gadgets and tools, choose your tools more carefully and things that serve your needs efficiently — remember “Less Is More”.
🔒 Use An App blocker or Screen Time Management Tool
Sometimes, we may require a little help. For this, you can download an app blocker that will allow you to block the apps of your choice for as long as you need. The most complete tool for iPhone is Jomo, available for free on the App Store.
With Jomo, you can block apps for specific time slots or set time limits on your most distracting apps. Additionally, you can link a blocking session to a concentration mode, and we'll provide more details about this in the following article.
The "less but better" approach invites us to simplify our digital lives, eliminate clutter, and prioritize tasks effectively. By concentrating fully on one significant task at a time, we can harness our true potential and achieve a level of productivity that multi-tasking can never deliver. Embrace the power of minimalism in managing your screen time, and watch your productivity soar.